April 12, 2021 Newsletter

April, 12 2021


Teton County’s Proposed Land Use Code to Be Released Tomorrow!

Tomorrow, at long last, Teton County is expected to release its proposed Land Use Code. We can say without hyperbole that the County’s proposed Land Use Code is the most important moment in our 20-year history. It has the potential to usher in a new era of planning & zoning in Teton Valley, ending the chaos and confusion of the past. Instead, the new code has the power to make development fair, predictable, and consistent with the special character of Teton Valley. 

Teton County’s current land use code has created a lot of headaches. Its permissive standards and two-size-fits-all lot area requirements (2.5 acres in some places, 20 acres in others, and nothing in between) has chopped up our beloved landscape, created zombie subdivisions, and resulted in other development hangovers from which we’re still recovering.

In 2012, Teton County adopted a new Comprehensive Plan. It won an award from the American Planning Association for its public input (over 4,000 engagements!) and laid out a new, visionary plan for Teton Valley. The “new” Comprehensive Plan envisions compact cities, large expanses of open space, and preservation of our globally-significant ecosystem. The only problem? The Comprehensive Plan lacks the force of law. Without a corresponding Land Use Code, it is not enforceable. Since the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan in 2012, the County has tried to update the Land Use Code. However, this effort has been stalled by staff turnover, lack of resources, and changing political administrations. 

But hopefully that begins to change tomorrow (April 13th). You can access the code at the county’s website or obtain a hard copy from the Planning & Zoning Department in the basement of the courthouse. Also, you can learn more about the code by attending the following events:

  • Land Use Code Presentation by Commissioner Bob Heneage, hosted by the Valley of the Tetons Library. Thursday, April 15th at 6:30 PM via Zoom. Email Erika Earles (e.earles@valleyofthetetonslibrary.org) to participate. More info here
  • Proposed Land Use Code Open Houses. April 27-29th at the Driggs Civic Center (outdoor venue). The County will have several information tables set up to answer questions you may have about the proposed Land Use Code. The event will happen in the afternoon - specific times TBA.

    Following these events, the County P&Z is expected to hold a public hearing in mid-May - we’ll keep you posted regarding the specific date and time. 

What can you do? You can engage. By attending one of the following events above, you can learn about the county’s proposed Land Use Code and the future of Teton Valley overall. You can also submit comments to pz@co.teton.id.us. By learning and commenting about the proposed Land Use Code, you can influence the outcome of the code - and the future of Teton Valley.

More Development Proposals Coming Down the Pike

When it rains, it pours. Here’s a list of upcoming public hearings for potential developments in Teton Valley:

  • Broulim’s in Victor. The public hearing is closed, but the Victor Planning & Zoning Commission will deliberate on the matter on April 22nd. 6:30 PM via Zoom. More information here. Send comments to planner@victorcityidaho.com. Written comment due by April 15th. 
  • Teton Valley Resort Annexation & Rezone. Teton Valley Resort, the recent expansion of which led to the eviction of the Rockin H mobile home community, is seeking to develop an additional 12 acres and add an on-site restaurant. More information here. Send comments to planner@victorcityidaho.com. Written comment due by April 15th. 
  • Driggs Parking & Storage Conditional Use Permit. The Teton County Commissioners will consider a Conditional Use Permit for a 10-acre storage unit facility at 1776 N Hwy 33 (between Silver Star and Indian Sunset Drive). More information here. Send comments to pz@co.teton.id.us. Written comment due on April 19th.
  • Cook Parcel Zone Change. Kurt Mitchell is proposing to rezone 1.48 acres on the Hwy 33 Frontage Road from Ag-Rural Residential 2.5 (A-2.5) to Industrial (M-1). More information here. Send comments to pz@co.teton.id.us. Written comment due on April 19th.
  • River Rim Plat Amendment. River Rim Ranch is seeking to re-arrange units within its proposed golf course village. More information here. Send comments to pz@co.teton.id.us. Written comment due on April 19th.
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Niki Richards, Executive Director
(208) 354-1707
85 Depot St. Suite 2
PO Box 1164
Driggs, ID 83422



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