Farewell Sandy

December, 28 2020



On Saturday, December 26th, at about 5pm, Saunders “Sandy” Mason died at home with his wife Mary at his side.

Sandy was one of the original conservation pioneers in Teton Valley. As a volunteer, then Executive Director, and then Board President of VARD, he was tireless in his efforts to protect the special place he and Mary fell in love with fell in love with after spending their first winter up Horseshoe Canyon in 1982. He was an active member of the community and pretty much knew everyone in Teton Valley. He was known for his booming voice, rowdy sense of humor, ability to build bridges, and raw passion for people, animals, and the environment. He was truly a special person and will be missed. Teton Valley and VARD will not be the same without him. 

In lieu of flowers, you can make a donation to the Sandy Mason Memorial Fund at VARD by clicking here or by mail to PO Box 1164, Driggs, ID 83422. When donating online, please note “Sandy Mason Memorial Fund” in the “special purpose” field on the online form. If donating by check, please note “Sandy Mason Memorial Fund'' on the memo line. The funds will be used to honor Sandy’s legacy, the specifics of which will be determined at a later date by Mary Mason and the VARD Board of Directors. 

Happy New Year, and may we all continue to enjoy Sandy’s legacy.

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Niki Richards, Executive Director
(208) 354-1707
85 Depot St. Suite 2
PO Box 1164
Driggs, ID 83422



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