Rundown of Proposed Revisions to County Code

October, 18 2021


Land Use Code

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The following are details we have noted as substantive proposed revisions to the Teton County Land Development Code, between the April 2021 draft and the most recent P&Z draft, to be addressed by the Board of County Commissioners. 

These substantive changes are:

● RR-20 zone has been changed to RR-8, meaning that the average density is now 8 acres instead of 20. The P&Z reasoned that this is a less drastic change (i.e. 2.5 instead of 20) and would encourage landowners to seek annexation for smaller, 8-acre increments into Driggs rather than 20 acres at a time. 

●  RA (yellow) and LA zones (blue) would go from 35-acre minimums to 40.  The P&Z reasoned that 40-acres is the standard increment for which ag financing is based, so minimum lot sizes should be set at 40 acres. 

●  In the RN-5 (orange) zone, the maximum density is 1unit per 5 acres for parcels less than 20 acres. However, parcels over 20 acres are permitted a 1 unit per 2.5 acre density if a resulting subdivision sets aside 25% of the subdivision as open space. 

●  Campgrounds are divided into 3 types:  Small Scale, Large Scale, and Resort. All types are allowed under a Special (Conditional) Use permit except in the Town Neighborhood (pink) and Industrial/Research (purple) zones. 

●  Golf courses are allowed with a Limited Permit (an administrative permit requiring no public hearing) in the RA, LA, and Foothill Zones, but require a Special Permit in the TN and RA5 zones. This isn’t a change, but the P&Z is recommending that the minimum lot size be 40 acres instead of 80 acres. 

Overall, the draft code reflects detailed work on the part of the P&Z commissioners.  Standards for other issues such as fences, bees, churches, and short-term rentals are relaxed, but will likely not detract from the larger goals of conservation and community character.

The P&Z’s diligence in dealing with the plethora of comments is commendable. The next step is for the P&Z to send their draft of the Land Development code to the Teton County Board of Commissioners for final review, edits and passage.

If you would like to participate in this public meeting via Zoom, CLICK HERE to join. 

Meeting ID: 871 1457 6793 

Passcode: 147133

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(208) 354-1707
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