Yes, next year is now!

November, 20 2021



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Your help is needed! In the current building and growth boom, VARD staff tracks every development application that comes in across the County. We meet with developers and their teams of architects, lawyers, engineers, planners and any others involved in proposed developments - whether or not a formal application is filed or in process. We also meet with city council members, city staff, mayors, planning and zoning commissioners, county commissioners, and other NGOs—all to keep VARD’S MISSION of “responsible development” as the primary focus in planning and decision making. 

At a minimum, we insist on compliance with existing laws and ordinances. Our Valley is overwhelmed with development applications these days. After the last boom and bust cycle, we participated in the development and passage of comprehensive plan updates across the Valley to avoid just what we are going through now. For almost a decade now, we have been participating in the new land development code process, advocating for its approval, in order to ensure compliance with the community driven, voter approved, Comprehensive Plan. The political battle has been intense, but in the midst of opponents spreading false information and making false accusations during the code process, we have remained principled and undeterred.

And we are able to remain so because we speak directly with so many of our supporters either in person, on the phone, or through Zoom. You help us stay the course. You help us keep our focus. You help us stand strong on our founding principles - Open Spaces, Wild Places and Vibrant Towns. Your perspectives are essential. We will continue to keep an open dialogue with all of you. It is your interest in the welfare and the integrity of this Valley that gives us the energy to do the work we are hired by you to do. Our passion for this Valley is a reflection of your passion.

We have saved countless acres from irresponsible development in our 20 years, and we plan to save countless more. We have helped preserve our environment by preventing installation of septic systems, waterlines, preventing more zombie subdivisions, and preserving lands for wildlife, recreation, and other uses - to be enjoyed by all inhabitants of the Valley. 

The pandemic put our peaceful, iconic, Valley on the national “radar.” We have been discovered. And that discovery is being shared through articles in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Wall Street Journal, and most recently a rather significant article in the Washington Post—all suggesting that Teton Valley is a desirable place to live, and importantly for our work , invest—being touted as one of the last areas of undeveloped beauty in the west. Investment pressures and land use schemes fueled solely by efforts to make a profit are simply not responsible development. With no shortage of development proposals, we need to be able to stay strong in our commitments and true to our mission.

VARD needs your support now. 

Please click the picture below to hear our Board President, Mike Pfeil, share his thoughts and this year's funding request…

Kindest regards to all, 

Niki, Anna, Emily, and the VARD Board of Directors

Where’s the Middle Ground, Moose Creek Ranch?

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Niki Richards, Executive Director
(208) 354-1707
85 Depot St. Suite 2
PO Box 1164
Driggs, ID 83422



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