Full Agendas: Development Updates

October, 9 2023



, Land Use Code

, Sprawl

, Watchdogging

Grab a blanket, a pillow, and pack a lunch...

After the 9/12 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting ended early, many agenda items were moved to the upcoming October 10th meeting. These hearings on top of the regular meeting - 7 hearings in total - will make for a long evening. This PZC meeting will follow the rescheduled Board of County Commissioners meeting that will be held (all day) on the same day. We will be there for it all!

Let's thank all of our Commissioners and County/City Staff next time we see them for staying the course and representing our community. With OVER 90 subdivisions in the pending phase, it's looking like at least another year - if not two - to get through them all. While it seems new applications have slowed down, the process isn't a short one. Hearing details are below.


Staff reports are available on the Friday before upcoming hearings. You can find them HERE by clicking on the agenda associated with the meeting date.

October 10, 2023  @ 1:00 PM

1st Floor Meeting Room - 150 Courthouse Dr - Driggs

You can submit written comments, attend and give comments in person, and/or comment via Zoom.

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Email Comments

Mule Acres

6 Lots/16 Acres - Preliminary Plat - CONTINUED from 7/24 and AGAIN from 9/11

Proposed development east of the Big Holes. This subdivision falls within the Bear Conflict Zone, Big Game Migration Corridor and Seasonal Range and also within the Hillside Overlay. The two previous hearings were continued for the applicant to provide more information regarding - potential clustering, building envelopes, driveway access, and fire hazard mitigation. Staff report HERE. Application materials HERE.

Harlan Ranch

16 Lots/95+ Acres - Preliminary Plat

This parcel is located approximately 2 miles southwest of Driggs. It is surrounded by conservation easements on the western and northern boarders. Portions of the parcel are located within Priority Wetland Habitat-NWI, Songbird/Raptor Breeding and 

Wintering Habitat, and Big Game Migration Corridors and Seasonal Range. The PZC approved the preliminary plat with conditions including septic locations, EIPH mitigation, and an ITD review. Application materials HERE.


Staff reports can be found HERE by clicking on the agenda associated with the meeting date.

October 10, 2023  @ 5:00 PM

(Continued from 9/11/23)

1st Floor Meeting Room - 150 Courthouse Dr - Driggs

You can submit written comments, attend and give comments in person, and/or comment via Zoom.

Zoom Link

Email Comments

Wendorff Special Event Facility

After an outpouring of opposition to this event facility proposal in a quiet corner of the Valley, the public hearing was pulled from the initial agenda day/time. It's back! View application materials, staff report, and read public comments HERE (starts on p. 539).

River Rim Ranch PUD Div II Major Plat Modification

10 Lots/28 Acres - Preliminary Plat Hearing

Application to reinstate the original golf course/golf operation that was part of the original master plan approved in 2006. This would involve the relocation of 21 units. River Rim falls within many overlays. Application materials, details of the amendment, additional background information, supplemental maps and exhibits can be found HERE.

Irish Acres - 10 Lots/40 Acres - Prelim Plat

Located on W 4000 North and N 2000 West, southeast of Tetonia. This property is within the Big Game Migration and Seasonal Range as well as Sharp-tailed Grouse Breeding Habitat. Priority Wetland Habitat-NWI also cover parts of the property.  Application materials HERE.

Clearwater Reserve

10 Lots/80 Acres - Preliminary Plat

Located just east of Tetonia. North Leigh Creek runs through the southern portion of the property. The property is within the 100-year Floodplain, the Wetlands and Waterways Overlay, the Big Game Migration Corridor, and Seasonal Range and Bear Conflict Overlays. Application materials HERE.


7 Lots/145 Acres - Prelim Plat Hearing

Located off of Cedron Road just east of the Big Holes. Current zoning is A35 but was A20 when application was submitted. This parcel lies within the Waterbird Breeding, Migration, Foraging and Wintering Habitat. Application materials HERE.



Staff reports are available before the hearings, find them HERE by clicking on the agenda associated with the meeting date.

Oct. 11, 2023  @ 6:30 PM

1st Floor Meeting Room - 150 Courthouse Dr - Driggs

You can submit written comments, attend and give comments in person, and/or comment via Zoom.

Zoom Link

Email Comments

The Edge Subdivision - Continued from 4/12

64 Units/~8 Acres - Prelim Plat Hearing

The project proposes a 64-unit townhome project comprised of 16 buildings located on the corner of 5th Street and Ross Avenue - across the street from the high school. This hearing was continued. Additional information was needed that included park space and mitigation. Approvals from various departments were missing as well.

Application materials and staff report HERE.

Peaked Mountain Ranch

16 Lots/<16 Acres - Joint Preliminary Plat Hearing

This proposed subdivision is adjacent to Ski Hill Road and north of the Teton Creek Corridor. The property is in the Driggs area of impact and within the Big Game Migration Corridor and Seasonal Range and Songbird/Raptor Breeding and 

Wintering Habitat. This project has been tabled twice to get more information on access and traffic studies.

Application materials and staff report HERE

More subdivision proposals headed our way...

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Niki Richards, Executive Director
(208) 354-1707
85 Depot St. Suite 2
PO Box 1164
Driggs, ID 83422



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