Bidache Rezone Pushed to April 12th Agenda

March, 7 2023



, Watchdogging

, Land Use Code

Bidache Rezone Pushed to April 12th Agenda


Thanks to all of the comments submitted regarding this controversial rezone, the applicants have pulled their application for the 'Bidache 2.0' rezone from this week’s public hearing agenda.


VARD's staff attorney has been actively lobbying the applicants' attorney to work with the City of Driggs - suggesting the possible use of a variance from typical zoning requirements to free up more space on the property - in an effort to save more trees and understory. This argument has gained traction. Now, Driggs planning staff are communicating with the applicants' attorney to create a potential plan for which of the Commercial Corridor Zone dimensional standards could be adjusted, through a variance, to free up space. 

For example, if Driggs' parking requirements were reduced (each parking space is about 180 square feet), that could free up significant space onsite. Read more in our comment letter.

More space = more trees = more HABITAT! 

This is a good potential compromise. We’ll keep you posted.

Thank you, citizens of Teton Valley, for helping protect more wild places!

Grand Targhee Base Area Development

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Niki Richards, Executive Director
(208) 354-1707
85 Depot St. Suite 2
PO Box 1164
Driggs, ID 83422



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