Teton Pass Corridor & ITD Traffic Study

March, 16 2023



, Sprawl

, Watchdogging

The U.S. Forest Service, Teton County, Wyoming and the Wyoming Department of Transportation have collaborated to produce a draft Teton Pass Corridor Management Plan. In addition, although it is not mentioned in the Corridor Management Plan, IDT is strongly considering adding a 70 mph passing lane between Victor and Mike Harris. If wildlife are funneled into Idaho - as stated in the plan - through mitigation measures in Wyoming (wildlife fencing), there will be an increasing threat to both human life AND wildlife. This is part of why it is so critical that wildlife mitigation not stop at the state line.


An article in written by Jared Baecker, Wyoming Conservation Coordinator states: "According to Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation’s citizen-collected data from 1991 to 2020, 439 wildlife-vehicle collisions have been documented on Teton Pass. It has been confirmed that 243 mule deer and 157 moose have been killed by vehicles in the 3.75 miles between the Coal Creek trailhead and the Wyoming-Idaho state line. WYDOT traffic counts, reported wildlife-vehicle collisions, and recreational visits are all trending up. The bottom line is wildlife are being squeezed." Where will these animals cross if fencing ends at the state line?

The draft management plan is open for public comment until Friday March 17th. 


We have included links to the project website, comment form, and the comment letter from

local government, as well as other information below. Our comment letter is still in progress, but we also included this link with some bullet points for you to consider while writing your comments.



Draft Teton Pass Corridor Management Concepts

Corridor Study

Comment Form

Teton Build Grant

Joint Comment Letter form Teton County, Driggs, Victor, & Tetonia

Greater Yellowstone Coalition Blog Post

Fish and Game GIS WVC Map

Email your comments to Hagen Hammons, Community Planner, U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration by Friday, March 17th.


Bidache Rezone Pushed to April 12th Agenda

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Niki Richards, Executive Director
(208) 354-1707
85 Depot St. Suite 2
PO Box 1164
Driggs, ID 83422



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