96-unit multifamily housing project consisting of 24 four-plexes in Driggs

March, 16 2023



, Watchdogging

, Land Use Code

Let’s keep the peaceful nature of southern Driggs


A large up-zone and concept plan application is pending for the south side of Driggs to accommodate a 96-unit multifamily housing project consisting of 24 four-plexes known as the "Teton Ave" Project. The site currently consists of 26 long rectangular "old town" Driggs city lots. You might know the property as the sage fields that are lined with a buckrail fence west of the Driggs 5th Street Park. (See pretty pics)

View of the property in its natural state.

Natural water features in the wetlands on the property.

WETLANDS: According to the applicant's narrative: "Delineated wetlands exist in the western portion of the property, with an additional small cluster near Teton Ave and 3rd St. The small cluster is proposed to be mitigated within the protected larger wetlands inside the dedicated park space." Photos below show the streams that flow through the property during wet seasons. The concept plan and narrative appear to concede that these streams would not be protected, which seems implausible as the water will simply have to be addressed and allowed to flow somewhere over the property. 


We roughly mapped out the project footprint over a 2021 aerial photo (see below) - and it included the mapped wetlands on the western half of the property. 

Driggs staff have posted the concept plan and all other information here,

including the concept narrative and the meeting memo.


A formal Neighborhood Meeting will be held

MONDAY, March 20, 6-8pm at Driggs City Hall

Community members are invited to attend to learn more about the potential

project and ask questions of the applicant and City staff.

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Niki Richards, Executive Director
(208) 354-1707
85 Depot St. Suite 2
PO Box 1164
Driggs, ID 83422



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