No Maverik in Victor and a Revised NRO Map for the County

October, 22 2024



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Thanks to our community (YOU!) and the diligence of Victor PZC,

the closest Maverik will still be in Jackson.

Thanks to Victor Planning and Zoning Commissioner's thoughtful deliberation, the Maverik Rezone AND Requests for Modifications were unanimously denied last Thursday evening. Commissioner's decided that the criteria had not been met.

Following an overwhelming response from our community - approximately 80 pages of written comments and multiple in-person comments - Commissioners did not need long to deliberate to come to the conclusion that Victor is not the right place for this kind of business. If you missed the hearing, you can listen to it HERE

Natural Resource Overlay Map Revision Approved Unanimously

Last Friday, the Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) heard recommendations for revisions to the NRO map from the Teton County Wildlife Advisory Committee. Their recommendations were based on data gathered from Idaho Department of Fish and Game and the Teton Regional Land Trust. After listening to the Committee's presentation, and hearing multiple thoughtful comments from our community, the BoCC deliberated for a quite a while before unanimously approving the map. The map had gone without updates for almost 20 years, but Idaho requires NRO maps to be updated every 5 years. Commissioners are following up with legal review of the processes, but public comment for this item is now closed. 

Driggs 'Parkside' Rezone Neighborhood Meeting

The applicant and city staff will be available to discuss the project.

Driggs City Hall

October 24, 2024


 A coalition of land owners proposing a rezone of 23 lots from Residential Single-Family & Two-Family (RS-7) to Residential Single Family & Two-Family (RS-3). These lots are located at S 5th and E Freemont and the purpose of the rezone is to reduce setback standards & lot size minimums and to allow lot-splits. The applicant's narrative states, "The goal of this unification will facilitate more employment and housing opportunities by increasing housing unit density in an area that is well suited to receive the additional units. The increase in density would provide an extraordinary opportunity for more ownership at an attainable cost, further stimulate the local economy, and maintain a sense of community that will keep intact the character of the City of Driggs."


Join the developers on Thursday to find out more about this new Neighborhood. 

In between all the hearings and research for upcoming developments, Niki and Emily were able to sneak over the pass for some collaboration and education during this informative conference. You can check out all the speakers HERE and read an article in the JHN&G about one of the forums with relevant discussion of climate action in our Red States.

NRO Revision Hearing & New Maverik in Victor?

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Niki Richards, Executive Director
(208) 354-1707
85 Depot St. Suite 2
PO Box 1164
Driggs, ID 83422



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