Maytag Property

In 2018, the Maytag Property was placed on the market, with the possibility of a development with over 384 homes...

Along with partners Caribou-Targhee National Forest (CTNF), the Conservation Fund, the Teton Regional Land Trust, supportive landowners at the Beartooth Group, the Teton County Commissioners, and Idaho’s Congressional delegation, we have succeeded in aiding CTNF to acquire the 960-acre Maytag Property in Horseshoe Canyon. This property is now accessible to the public and will be used for enhanced wildlife protection.

In 2018, the Maytag Property was placed on the market, with the possibility of a development with over 384 homes. After countless hours of work and the discovery of a zoning error the development possibility was reduced by 336 homes. Instead of stopping there, VARD pushed on to work on protecting the property forever. With the help of the Conservation Fund, Congressman Mike Simpson, and the US Congress’ recent passing of the Great American Outdoors Act, CTNF was able to purchase the property. The Maytag Property is one of the biggest land deals in Teton Valley history and is now part of our public lands for all to enjoy.


Niki Richards, Executive Director
(208) 354-1707
85 Depot St. Suite 2
PO Box 1164
Driggs, ID 83422



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