Grand Targhee Expansion

Learn about Grand Targhee resort's new Master Development Plan and how to get involved...


Study released and article in the TVN regarding the findings. DEIS expected any day now.

"Effects of Proposed Grand Targhee Development on Public Services and Housing Markets in Teton County, ID" ECONorthwest, July 2022

"Grand Targhee expansion impact study released", TVN Article 7/20/22

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Grand Targhee has initiated its Master Development Plan (MDP) through the Caribou-Targhee National Forest (CTNF). The following is a brief summary from CTNF of the plan:
Adjust SUP/operational boundaries; install, replace, and realign lifts; glade, grade, and develop terrain; construct, improve and reclaim roads; expand snowmaking; build guest service facilities, construct trails; build recreation activity zones.
Please visit the CTNF website for more links and information about the complete project here.

VARD is focused on ensuring that all relevant issues are raised during the scoping period and are included for study, analysis, and subsequent incorporation into the Draft EIS (Environmental Impact Statement). The Draft EIS is currently being prepared by the Forest Service and is expected to be available for public review in the Spring of 2022. The public will have a minimum of 90 days after the Notice of Availability is published for the DEIS to provide comments on the analysis and findings. Please refer to the NEPA Process flowchart to explain the timeline of the process. The Draft EIS will contain several alternatives, including a “no-build” alternative, a “full-build” alternative, and several alternatives in between. Caribou-Targhee National Forest (CTNF) will pick their preferred alternative once they have all the information included in the document. We will stay abreast on this major project as it develops. Please visit the below links for more info and feel free to contact us with any questions.

SE Group Main Project Page
Targhee DEIS Release Date Delayed
Anna and Niki Talk Grand Targhee Expansion
VARD’s comment letter
Grand Targhee Master Development Plan
What is VARD doing about the Targhee Expansion?
Counties may hold joint town hall on Grand Targhee expansion