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3 Approved - 2 Denied - 1 Pending
March, 19 2024
The Teton County Board of County Commissioners meeting last Monday, March 11th, proved to be another long day - with an agenda full of public hearings. The first three hearings on the agenda were approved without requiring hours of deliberation; Irish Acres, J&G Peacock, and Skyline View.

What Happened to Sherman Park?
March, 13 2024
Sherman Park "Affordable" Housing Project becomes "Workforce". In 2018, discussions began between the City of Victor and the Teton County Joint Housing Authority (TCJHA) to bring an affordable housing project to Victor. In 2021, Sherman Park was identified as the prime location. Specifically, the City identified a roughly 3 acre parcel on the south east side of the park, which, at the time, was zoned REC Parks and Recreation.

March, 5 2024
Wendorff’s Seek Backdoor to Resort Zone and Trestles Subdivision & Wildflower Reserve PUD are ON the Agenda for Monday, March 11th at 1pm

Southern Gateway to Driggs
November, 9 2023
The Scenic Corridor and southern entrance to Driggs is on the chopping block. With 8 subdivisions pending in this area alone, the impacts that would come with this scale of development, in this location, are extraordinary.

Slow your roll, bulldozers! Devastating Impacts to Three Local Creeks in Two Weeks
November, 1 2023
Read our ED's Opinion piece in this weeks papers.

Three Creeks, Three Devastating Cases of Destruction!
October, 30 2023
EMAIL OUR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Teton County Board of County Commissioners carved out time during their meeting on Monday to hold an open discussion about the recent destruction to Darby, Dry, and Teton Creeks. Friends of the Teton River (FTR) and VARD were able to voice our concerns and suggest urgent next steps that included, but were not limited to, a contact list of who’s who for rapid response when destruction is occurring and an emergency ordinance moratorium on any and all development in riparian areas.

Full Agendas: Development Updates
October, 9 2023
After the 9/12 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting ended early, many agenda items were moved to the upcoming October 10th meeting. These hearings on top of the regular meeting - 7 hearings in total - will make for a long evening. This PZC meeting will follow the rescheduled Board of County Commissioners meeting that will be held (all day) on the same day.

More subdivision proposals headed our way...
September, 8 2023
This is the 4th large subdivision proposed in the County that has been denied since March.
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